Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone

I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone
By:Stephanie Kuehnert

MTV Publications

ISBN-10: 1416562699
ISBN-13: 978-1416562696

Growing up in a small Wisconsin town, Emily Black is a slutty, obstinate punk rocker and is expected to turn out just like her mother. A mother who abandoned her husband and small child (Emily) to pursue a life filled with punk rock.


Emily loves to hear the stories of her mother’s antics and trying to emulate them as best as possible, secretly hoping that by creating a punk rock band she’ll be able to be closer to her, if only in spirit. When her punk band rises to stardom, she gets the fated meeting with her long lost mother only to realize some of the mistakes she made early in her mother made early in life are being repeated by Emily herself. This novel is gut wrenching at time as it is humorous. Emily is a strong willed character who is unwilling to accept the idea that her mother abandoned her.

This novel is tough, filled with bad language and even worse situations. Kuhnert creates a real punk feel in her first novel. Readers will love Emily’s attitude and sharp tongue. Perfect for the more advanced teen reader looking for something with a little substance and grit.