Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ink Exchange

Ink Exchange

By: Melissa Marr

Harper Collin

ISBN-10: 0061214701
ISBN-13: 978-0061214707

Seventeen-year-old Leslie wants a tattoo as a way of reclaiming control of herself and her body, but the eerie image she selects draws her into the dangerous Dark Court of the fairies where she draws on inner strength to make a horrible choice

In her second novel, Marr further examines the fairy realm. We are introduced to the character of Leslie as she attempts to deal with the an abusive and distant father, a drug addicted brother and friends whom seem stranger than usual, all why trying to keep a job and good grades so that she can escape to college and never return.

In addition to fleeing Leslie has only one other desire, and that is to get the perfect tattoo, and after months of searching she finally decides on that of a symbol with wings. This symbol happens to be the mark of the Fairy King of the Dark Court and through it he can feed himself and his followers on her emotions, its only side effect is that it leaves the victim not only under his control but also completely devoid of any emotion, positive or negative. This forces Leslie to make a decision, to risk feeling the pain and anguish she has dealt with for her entire life or feel nothing.

Teens have fallen in love with Marr's writing style. With the third installment of this series being released late April. This novel is perfect for the Twilight fans still hungry for more of the fantastical but having already devoured Meyer's series.